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HaLcia engaging the fourth set of Jos ECWA Theological Seminary on the principles and practice of servant leadership @ Shalom House Jos.

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5/17/24 University Servant Leadership Center engaging Kaduna State University Student Union Leaders in expository training on the principles and Practice of servant leadership.

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04/06/2024 The Church Cohort engaging young pastors on servant leadership training at Miyango.

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THE MANAGEMENT TEAM ON RETREAT  HaLCiA IN ZALANGA THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE BAUCHI. The Zalanga follow up retreat 30th 09 22 It was a glamorous atmosphere in Zalanga theological College Bauchi where halcia through the auspices of Church Partnership led by William engage the Leadership Team of the collage on a two days follow up retreat. Discussions were […]

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Sokoto Men’s Fellowship Conference Gusau – 10th – 12th June, 2022.

It was a wonderful moment at first ECWA Church Gusau Zamfara State with over a hundred people in attendance. The conference started on 10th of June with Rev. Williams Burga as the Guest Teacher. Burga who represented HaLCiA thrilled the men on the concepts and principles of servant leadership. Servant leaders serve the people by […]

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Fund Raising Training – 17 May, 2022.

Ministry partnership development MPD also known as fund raising is a very vital aspect of ministry. It was a great moment with Emeka who facilitated the Bible Study session about fund raising. In his teaching he made it explicit clear how giving or funding ministry is a full fledge ministry, and that those who support […]

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JETS Seminary Out-reach – 6 April 2022.

Many Christians go to church week after week, month after month, and year after year, without knowing what the gospel is all about. Jonathan Martin the servant leadership expert made it explicitly clear what the gospel is all about. He said it is first connection, disconnection, reconnection and real connection. That is, God created man […]

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Some Youths Engaged at EYN – 6 Apr 2022

A group of young people meeting with Jonathan and Jane at EYN Center Jos. At this meeting Jonathan express gratitude for meeting young people who are enthusiastic for Christ and Leadership. Jane admonishes everyone to engage story telling as part their ministry, she entertained questions from several persons about leadership.

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Among the groups of people engaged in Jonathan’s visit were the Jos ECWA Theological Seminary Students Union Leaders. Jonathan charged them to lead by serving others because leadership is about empowering others to be better than you are.

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Yelwan-Zangam Women on Trauma Healing session – 4 Apri 2022.

It was an emotional moment for the women of Yelwa Zangam meeting Jane Marthin at ECWA Gospel 2, Faringada. It was yet another session on trauma healing, where Jane was able to gain the trust of these women most of whom are widows as a result of to the attacks on their community early 2022. […]

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