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- on Aug 31, 2023

The Zalanga follow up retreat 30th 09 22
It was a glamorous atmosphere in Zalanga theological College Bauchi where halcia through the auspices of Church Partnership led by William engage the Leadership Team of the collage on a two days follow up retreat. Discussions were centered around temptations leaders are prone to, such as; spectacularism, relevance and power. Most of the college management team confess to falling into these temptations at various times. But having leant about servant leadership promise never to seek relevance, spectacularism or crave power and cling on to it. Rather they will seek to serve others as serving God. They express concerns over moments one tries to serve others as a leader and its been abused or take advantage of by others. Participants were admonished to applied the principles of Servant Leadership in their reaction to others action towards them daily. Servant Leadership is summarily about leading and living like Jesus Christ. To become like Jesus is costly and painful yet peaceful. A servant leader will never fight his/her leader but will always pray and correct in love no matter how hard.
In another session partispants were introduced to Building Servant Leadership Communities. It’s a sixteen session study manual on how communities can be empower with the right values on the practice of Servant Leadership.
In reaction to the seminar the provost express gratitude and happiness for the program. He added that it has open his eye on how to better help both his students and staff. He further direct that the female staff should engage some female students that are going through critical experiences.
He also suggest collective farming as a great tool in promoting servant leadership in other to sustain the community. Notably also, he cite an example with a student from Deji, one of the neighboring communities to the college whom he talk to the commutants about a student from there who is struggling with finances but have a large farm and could not weed it, but when he approach them to extent help to the student to increase the number of Deji people schooling. Which they gladly did.
He challenge the participants to put into proper use what has been given to them over the weekend. He added, to whom much is given much is required. He further request that if Halcia will come in just like AFRICAN SEVICES are engaging final year students on Advocacy. Therefore, the collage is willing to adopt the manual on building servant leadership communities as on of the pre-requisite course for final year students, and he wish it commence in the next academic session.
He also emphasizes the need for every staff member to be close to their students so they can understand what they are going through. Because he understood that understanding people is key to serving them, and to serve them you will have to come low to their level, be with them and feel what they are feeling as they go through life. Several others pledge to live and lead as servants leaders in effort to practice these principles.
more blessings